Definition: "Fountain" in French
The founder, Bryan Green, on his first trip to Paris took a bike tour around the city and learned about Wallace Fountains.
They were funded by Sir Wallace in the late 1800's to provide clean and free drinking water to the city.
The usefulness, beauty, history, and symbolism of these fountains aligns with the aspirations for Fontaine.
If you’d like to learn more about the fountains and download a map to track them down, check out WallaceFountains.org. And if you find yourself in London, visit Sir Wallace’s museum (100% free) at WallaceCollection.org.

The Founder
I'm Bryan. I've been an enthusiastic single malt consumer and student since my first taste well over a decade ago. This hobby and passion has led me across the world, introduced me to tons of new friends, and I'm so excited to be able to create something special for the community. Here's some more of this story.
Regarding whisk(e)y and spirits, I love it all - but especially a medium smoked, briney, and oily single malt. Also, to the surprise of many, I thoroughly enjoy a richly sweet yet acidic dessert wine. I also do some writing over on Malt Review when I have a minute.